Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Drupal at the Philippine Open Source Summit in Cebu

Just so you know, I never intended to hurt any minuscule feelings at Room 102 at Cebu International Convention Center. What supposed to be a "tech-talk" turned out being an early-morning show for some of the audience. (Thanks for the warm compliments. I'm so happy that you liked it).

Moving forward with my blog... I never expected to get such wild audience participation in my entire life! From government officials, non-profit orgs, to private-owned companies.

It feels so overwhelming to know that many were convinced with the power of Drupal as a social publishing platform and as a web framework.

Here are the topics discussed (because I presented in impromptu):

  • What Drupal is -- History and origin of the name
  • Who uses Drupal -- Piclens presentation of top websites created in Drupal
  • Where can we find Drupal users/developers around the world -- (gmap representation)
  • Common Job Descriptions in the Drupal community
  • What you need to setup a Drupal site under 3 minutes -- demo of Uniform Server + Drupal 6
  • The Philippine Drupal Group
Special thanks to Keiran Lal (aka Amazon) of Acquia and Jimmy Berry (aka boombatower) for the marketing collateral and presentation templates respectively. Also, I give my acknowledgement to Steven Peck (sepeck) and Jacob Redding (jredding) for the inspiration and encouragement.

I take this a sign for more Drupal events to come (here in the Philippines of course)!

1 comment:

eya cayanga said...

hi! our organization want to conduct a training session on Drupal for our PHP Developers and design team. i would like to ask if you could refer me to someone who is willing to conduct the training. thank you very much!