Monday, August 4, 2008

Proud to be PINOY!

To all of us who are leaving the Philippines for greener pastures, let's not forget that we are still in fact cool under our own skin. Whether we are on foreign land, outer space or other dimensions... it's always heart-warming to know that our DNA eventually had a milestone of ages in one of the Philippines 7,100+ islands.

Cheers to that! -- Be Proud. Be Pinoy.

Kita kits nalang somewhere around the world ;)


Jonathan Rickard said...

Well, I'll add to that a little promotion for a friend's video, which you might enjoy:

He's a pinoy living in Australia, formerly in New Zealand...where we played in a band together - and he wrote this song, "Pinoy pa rin ako".

I'm on guitar hehe :-p

Hope you enjoy! Good to see you again at quiz night too!

Unknown said...

That's a really nice song!

It's funny though because I think the music would be better in a "Rock" music arrangement.

I can almost hear the electric guitar haha. You have great G-skills Jon!

But I'm most impressed by you on this vid -->

Jonathan Rickard said...

Haha...that's a funny video noh :)

I think you're right that a harder rock version of 'Pinoy Pa Rin Ako' would work well..I'll see if I can hook it up when I get back to NZ. Would be fun!!

Actually, the song reminds me strongly of some of my filipino friends who have been raised in New Zealand or lived there a long time, but experienced a renaissance of love for their home country - including many for whom this occurred through their involvement with Gawad Kalinga.

People here in the Phils reminded them of the best of Filipino culture!

Unknown said...

That's very touching.

Your friends may have been so contagious and I think you got the fever.

I'll be looking forward to that rock arrangement ;)

blabberhand said...


you did this logo on Inkspace? Wow, u should write a book on Inkspace.. master ka na pala dito! :)

-- darius

Unknown said...

gnda nmn n2, gwa m b to kuya?

bka nmn pwd q mgamit s website q visit kau

comment k n lng s guestbook dun kung ok lng sau. tnx

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