Friday, July 18, 2008

Friday the 18th

Finally, after years being too nationalistic... some of my new friends and acquaintances convinced me to leave the country --for good.

Seriously, I ended defending myself to-the-max as to "why" I'm hopeful in my future here in Philippines. They say brain-drain is a natural occurrence, and that I cannot do anything about -let alone the government.

What is wrong in visualizing a better Philippines? They say I'm too young to see the ugly realities of this country, which is exactly why I'm visualizing haha. I know my friends are just looking after my future and there's nothing wrong with that. But if I leave now... (I'm feeling depressed already)

If that's the case, then I should consider the places I wanted to be! If and only if I will work abroad, I have a preferred list of choices: Germany, New Zealand, Africa, Canada, and Alaska.

  • Germany: Because I love the German culture --without the World-war effect of course. More and more, it's getting exciting to imagine how I can be part of a country that morally respects the environment, takes care of its citizens, and gives priority to the needy. Deutschland ich komme!
  • New Zealand: Ahh, the world's adventure capital! With amazing geography, landscape and natural beauty... who wouldn't want to be a Hobbit for life? 50 years from now -- the apocalypse -- or in other words, overpopulation will happeb -- and New Zealand is one of the projected surviving cities. I want my Kiwi!
  • Africa: I believe in the origin of humanity. Now being studied as the genealogical origin or human species, Africa is a place full of revealing secrets about our history as the most dominant animal in the world. I know, I know... what would an I.T. guy do in Africa? Well, I'm not going to work for National Geographic or anything. I may apply at Canonical Inc. for Ubuntu. Cape Town wait for me!
  • Canada: What's not to like about Canada??? Seriously, better Health care system? Beautiful chick-rockers? Awesome and romantic scenic spots?
  • Alaska: If there's a bio-terrorism attack, I'd rather stay in Alaska. Aside from the Polar bears and cool climate... what more can I ask for? (except for heaters)
Now that I have my list of prospects, maybe I should put my magna-cum-laude title into good use. Sorry Philippines, I'm now considering to leave you... unless there's a good reason not to do so. Paalam.


lyricnz said...

Consider Australia. Close to Philippines, nice weather, and lots of job opportunities. I came from NZ to Australia for the lifestyle and better $.

Unknown said...

Thanks lyricnz! I think the reason why I did not put Australia in my list is due to the fact that it's becoming densely populated. No room for one more Asian haha.

Actually, I dream of ever setting foot and living in Sydney. The closest I've got near Australia? ... "Finding Nemo".

I guess I'll consider migrating there after all. You made me thinking. ;)

Jonathan Rickard said...

As a New Zealander living in the Phils, leaving to work overseas doesn't mean abandoning your own country. Good on you for choosing this step!

Australia is worth considering, as your other poster said. It's higher-paid than NZ, for one thing...

Алексей Раю said...

This is how I also left from Ukraine. First thought I can make a difference - but then realized the problems of the country are well loved by the moneybags who are using that opportunity to enrich themselves. Now live in Bulgaria.

Unknown said...

I agree. These 'moneybags' are everywhere, and they are making it hard for the new generation to succeed.

At least for now, here's to hoping towards a better future wherever we may be.