Saturday, July 19, 2008

Friday next week: New Media Seminar at Saint Paul's

Next Friday (July 25, 2008), I will be giving a seminar/workshop about "Media: The New Communicator"

As of now I'm still planning every slide very cautiously (and carefully haha) because Anna Motohara -the Student Council Secretary mentioned that approximately 250 participants will attend. Whew, is this serious? I'm thinking I should be more nervous than my previous talk at CICC, Cebu.

Personal fears aside, here is my tentative topic outline:
  • Media: Stripp'd and Undefin'd (definition)
  • Channels of New Media in the 21st Century (the web... of course | blogging | voip | tvoip)
  • Media in the Philippines | Media in Asia | Media in the World
  • Goodies of being connected
  • Communication is synonymous with content (emphasis on fair use)
  • The World is Flat: How so?
  • Convincing the old generation (elderly people) to invest in the new generation (infrastructure)

I still need to figure out some good ice-breakers to condition the mood of the audience. Suggestions anyone?

Catch me at the Peré Chauvet Hall of Saint Paul College, San Rafael, Bulacan | 7:00pm to 8:00pm +8 GMT.

For more information, feel free to comment and I'll be right back at ya.


blabberhand said...

Hey Marc/Robin :p

Congrats on your speaking engagement! I know your audience will benefit tremendously for what you have in store for them.

I'll try to think of an ice-breaker that could get your audience captivated... or even comment on your topic outline hehe :p


Unknown said...

Thanks for the trust Doctor D.

I'm looking forward to that "ice-breaker" ha.

One note though, please be sure that it's rated-G haha.


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